Well done Group B

Firstly Dee Jai Duay Kap to Group B!

Dynamite Muay Thai Sor. Nak Dee Fight family recently had a meeting a meeting, to be exact just under 4 weeks ago to map out our performance goals for the year 2014.

In the weeks following the Group separated into 3 Teams, Tier 1 being professional level and competing at the highest national level and abroad, Group A Semi Professional – Professional which will also see this team compete quite regulalrly at State level and Group B which is greener than green fresh to the competitive world of Victorian Muay Thai, Boxing, Kickboxing and K1 style competition.
With little experience and under four weeks preparation the goal was to physically prepare, reset their perceptions and replace the mindset of all 43 individuals of the newly formed Sor. Nak Dee Fight Family. The motto this year being “Two Years On, Two Years Strong!”.

Dynamite Muay Thai Sor. Nak Dee Fight Family

The first schedualed fight for Dynamite Muay Thai was the Hammer’s Gym Interclub which would target directly to the absolute new members of the Sor. Nak Dee Fight Family.

Hence the Fight training began and took a new direction with compulsory pre class warm up runs followed by minimum 5 Core skills classes per week, straight to Fighters’ Class on rotational 10 km run on alternate days straight to bags and clinch with hard sparring while the lucky few on pads were served with death on pads.

The hard training did scare some though 99% who stayed or were un injured stuck through it to be the toughest introduction to the 2014 standard. My Idea, if I can simulate the worst scenarios and environment for you then you have nothing to fear 

This dramatically paid off for those who stepped in and noticed the trend we pose to the Australian Muay Thai scene which was a fast, hard forward choking Korat Style with a intensive technical clinch backed by next level fitness from the Fight Classes.

The Team pulled off 7 fights, 6 wins! Very proud and very excited to have such a dedicated team. From training to weight cutting we soared above the standard set by the teams who “have it down pat” at the top level.

This is OUR Craft, this is OUR “ Bread and Butter” we take the training and welfare of our fight team from new fighters to the highest level very seriously.

Its not what they say “just an interclub”, “non title fight” etc etc It’s the fighter who lives through the pains, aches and injury. Coaches who say don’t worry You’ll be fine mate don’t get the greater concept of it’s all about the individual and not the Gym’s and especially not the Coaches reputation on the line..This I cannot stress moreover about.

On that note winning is not the outcome we pursue its Longevity, respect, pursuit of individual’s goals.

Kru (Yai) Dennis
Ret. Sargent First Class – Regt. II SF Fight Team
Proud Coach of Dynamite Sor. Nak Dee Fight Family