DynaFite 2.0 In-house Fights Professional and Pro Amateur

After the recent success of the All Dynamite DynaFite 2k15 in late October last year the busy Melbourne CBD based traditional Muay Thai Fight Gym Dynamite Muay Thai Sor. Nak Dee hosted its second Dynamite in-house fight, DYNAFITE 2.0 Intraclub fights.


Wai Kru Ram Muay the traditional display of sealing the ring pre fight and the paying of respects to the Thai Kings, Kru and Camp.





The DynaFite internal fight series was set up by both Kru Dennis and Coach Lily to keep the team sharp, keep the team hungry and keep the team camaraderie high. Opened in the style of Dynamite Muay Thai’s International Professional Muay Thai event Dynamite NAKSOO Muay Thai – Asia Fight Tour –  the internal Dynamite event showcased the skill set and the “team work to make the dream work.”




DynaFite 2.0 commenced with an opening ceremony by Dan ‘UK’ Sor. Nak Dee, blessing the ring and performing opening Wai Kru Ram Muay in the tradition of Thai culture and honouring the King of Thailand for allowing Muay Thai to be used for purposes other than defending the motherland and to promote the beauty and art of this martial art.




 Dan “UK” Sor. Nak Dee meters over the rope to commence the Dynamite Muay Thai Sor. Nak Dee DynaFite 2.0 opening ceremony





Dynamite Muay Thai Sor. Nak Dee’s second instalment of DynaFite was a bit of seriousness, a bit of competitiveness and a lot of fun pitting four in-house teams with captains and seconds to gain valuable experience in fighting from pro amateur level right through to professional with the likes of two titles being up for grabs on the day. One was a “Sweep Queen” title for the most sweeps in the gym and the other a Super 4 Women Eliminator fight with 4 fighters battling it out elimination style to claim the 50 kg female title within the gym. (Zia Sor. Nak Dee has the International Naksoo 50kg Super 4 Women title)




Dynamite Muay Thai Sor. Nak Dee Pro Ladies 50 Kg Super 4 Eliminator title




Besides the fighting side, the four teams have a captain and second assigned by Kru Dennis to assist in running a smooth fight prep. The skills learnt on the day derives from teamwork but evolves into many quality aspects of being part of the Dynamite Sor. Nak Dee Fight Family. The fighters will learn the correct procedures including a mandatory weigh -in and team “Fight prep” from getting the bucket and tape ready to oil down, taping of the hands, fight warm up, pre fight padwork and clinching to the drills the Dynamite Sor. Nak Dee team use at the professional level of fighting to assist them towards their fights and being prepped pre fight in these skills to eliminate all the extra burdens which consume the time of the fight team during fight time.




Dynamite Muay Thai Sor. Nak Dee Ladies 50Kg Super 4 Eliminator finals





Dynamite Muay Thai Sor. Nak Dee 65kg fighters displaying great technical finesse with strong technicality in the clinch, sweeps and dumps, a trademark of the Dynamite Muay Thai Sor. Nak Dee Fight Family





Each team’s fighter will enter with their nominated fight walk out song and then commence the tradition of Sealing of the ring followed by option of full or partial Ram Muay (Boxing Dance paying respects)






 Dynamite Muay Thai Sor. Nak Dee ladies 55Kg showcasing why our girls are tough, technical and tireless in the ring





All DynaFite fights are judged and refereed for a real and authentic feel of 100% Muay Thai judging geared towards the idea of exposing the professional fight scene to the first timers. DynaFite had the fighters fighting along to the Thai music in 3x 1.5 minute rounds with 20 second break and 5x 1.5 minute rounds with 35 second break with the focus on pure Muay Thai techniques such as clinching, sweeping, dumping, knees etc rather than just a brawl or punches thrown in bunches.




Dynamite Muay Thai Sor. Nak Dee’s DynaFite Winners being presented their Dynamite Muay Thai Sor. Nak Dee DynaFite 2.0 medals




The day proved highly successful in promoting the true essence of Muay Thai and the skill set necessary for the growth of the fighter and the brotherhood of the Dynamite fight team “Sor. Nak Dee” the inspiration for the fighters is to carry the surname of the gym upon entering the ring for their future fights as in Thailand this traditions carries weight amongst their peers and is an honourable right of passage for any true Muay Thai enthusiast.




Stay tuned the next DynaFite will be 8th of May!!!

There will be a gallery uploaded soon with some of the fight photos. With 40 competitors, 22 fights, 2 titles