
Prepping for the World Stage

Day Three; Dynamite Muay Thai Fighter, Team Australia Fighter and all round talented athlete Zia Seua Sor. Nak Dee 9 has commenced final preparation and weight cutting ahead of the weigh-in next week for the World Muaythai Organisation’s World Martial Arts Games.







Zia will be representing not just Dynamite Muay Thai and her comrades of Sor. Nak Dee 9, she is representing on the world stage what Muay Thai of Melbourne looks like under the national team banner, WMO Team Australia.



Zia is not new to fighting under such pressure and prestige. Zia is also a current, active fighting member of the WAKO Team Australia senior team. Previously the winner of NAKSOO MUAYTHAI – Asia Fight Tour female 4 women eliminator to represent Australia in Malaysia and then onto to win that eliminator.





Zia then being invited by the Indonesian armed forces (TNI) Ret.General to fight in the prestigious ASIAN Muay Federation ‘President’s World Championship’ in Jakarta, INDONESIA that same year. Zia went on to winning all her 48kg division tournaments under Team Australia. With no losses in all her international appearances prior to the WAKO World Championships – Bosnia, where she was met first round with a very experienced world champion who would later win the tournament.





Under Dynamite Muay Thai’s training, and the tutelage and guidance from Kru Dennis, Zia has had a steady fight career still in its infancy, spanning on and off for only four years competing in Muay Thai, and now K1 rules.




When Zia has a moment, preferably after this week of fights we will catch up with her for a few words regarding the “Dynamite Fight Life.”







“Zia is not always trying to make herself heard or making herself stand out. In fact she is the opposite. Personally I’ve come across it all and the most important thing is she’s always there! She is the first to arrive, the last to leave, she is definitely always the hungriest, hardest worker and the most generous helper with her time. When someone is in fight camp, the weeks, the days, the seconds are crucial. To still put her gym, her teammates and her trainers above herself is not a common trait. This level of awareness has to be disciplined in.” – Kru Dennis – Dynamite Head Coach.









“You see with Zia, she already had that trait, which is not something you find in a lot of fighters. Fighters are hungry and it’s quite easy to forget about everyone around you if you’re the only one in your gym fighting. I am fortunate to have a gym full of fighters which are separated into a tier system but train together as one. Not all started with Zia’s traits haha but the majority understand the culture of Dynamite Muay Thai and it’s the reason we do so well.” - Kru Dennis – Dynamite Head Coach.







Let’s send our Dynamite fighter all the positive vibes and wish both Zia, Kru Dennis and Team Australia success for this next fight and then a speedy recover and regroup for the followingt fight in Amsterdam in just over ten days.





 Stay Tuned for the first draw of Zia’s division…






Dynamite Muay Thai Sor. Nak Dee proudly sponsored by:

Evelyn Faye Nutrition

JPS Coatings

Melbourne Sports Myotherapy

Arrow Gear Hong Kong

Bolo Fightwear

Male Grooming Co.

Yokai City Tattoo

Operator As Fck

Team Australia has landed in Thailand!

Team Australia has landed, and are in preparation for the World Muaythai Organisation’s 5th World Martial Arts Championship Games set in Pattaya, THAILAND. Featuring hundreds of athletes and national teams coming from around the world to partake in Muay Thai and all things Muay Thai related.



Team Australia headed by Australian WMO President Mr Ravhinder will compete on the world stage in Muay Thai, K1 rules, Muay Boran and Sanda Kickboxing.


In preparation for the games 5 coaches will manage, train and watch over 62 athletes of  Team Australia’s combined junior and senior teams to commence 8th until the 17th of March 2020. 



Dynamite Muay Thai’s Head Coach, Kru Dennis, has been selected as one of the five Team Australia coaching staff to assist in coaching, cornering and mentoring the athletes chasing gold.






“Its a pleasure to be part of something bigger, it always is. The Australian team has a large squad so I can imagine there will be a lot of running between rings and micromanaging of teams of fighters.” Kru Dennis – Dynamite Muay Thai





We were able to video conference a few quick questions…



Admin: How did you get involved with Coaching and getting to be part of Team Australia for WMO?



Kru Dennis: “Well funny thing is that I was actually in Europe, Bosnia to be exact during the middle of a world championship event week with another well established international organisation. The WAKO World championships were on and I was a coach for our National sporting team, the WAKO Team Australia Kickboxing. So I was looking after an athlete who was also fighting for this event and he put my name and my Dynamite Muay Thai fighter’s name through to the Australian president of the organisation. The next day I was asked to call Mr Ravhinder but because I was overseas I message the president and the following day I received a message to say both my fighter Zia and I, had been selected for Team Australia for Muay Thai in March. Zia would represent 48kg and I would be an official Team Australia WMO trainer. I was super excited!  Double excited though because Zia also made the team.”



Admin: The question is… So how do you fit this into your schedule if you’re renown for being busy?



Kru Dennis:“Haha. Busy? Where do I start? Haha.” “From the time since I had received notification of selection, which was back in end of September 2019 until now it has definitely not slowed down. Not even over Christmas and New Year.” “We have been consistently fighting each weekend or away for work since.” 





Admin: What happens to fights and the fighters when you’re away with national team fights?



Kru Dennis: “I have great a team behind me, a lot of support and togetherness at Dynamite Muay Thai. Lily is the manager and she operates the Dynamite fight team like a well oiled machine when I’m away, which is quite often. She will run classes and fighters. A program is in place for the fighters in terms of training, scheduling, support of each other, the gym and its operational duties and maintenance of the gym. In terms of fighter’s fight schedule, Lily will asses their readiness and then I will be the final decision of who’s to fight, at what weight and on which event etc.”







Admin: Lastly… Whats next?



Kru Dennis: “Well let’s see where it goes. There is whisper of potentially postponing the event due to COVID – 19 Pandemic but we are still training alongside Team Fairtex as per fight camp schedule. Literally the day of the medal podium ceremony Zia and I will be straight to the airport bound for Amsterdam for a huge fight in another six days. We need to be ready for the next fight.”




Thank you for your time Kru Dennis!


That is how it’s done; Dynamite Muay Thai, Sor. Nak Dee 9 Fight Team, Team Australia WMO, Team Australia WAKO… Stay tuned.







Dynamite Muay Thai Sor. Nak Dee proudly sponsored by:






Evelyn Faye Nutrition

JPS Coatings

Melbourne Sports Myotherapy

Arrow Gear Hong Kong

Bolo Fightwear

Male Grooming Co.

Yokai City Tattoo

Operator As Fck

4 from 4 for Team B

Spectacular results from Dynamite Muay Thai’s Team B, our novice arm of Sor. Nak Dee 9 Fight Team. The team consists of Dynamite Muay Thai members up to level two grading or usually well under 12 months training experience. The team are trained heavily from the point of selection to the day they step in for their first novice 3×2 round fight.









I encourage everyone to give it a go! You’ll definitely come out the other side with a new perspective on what we really do. We’re not just a gym, or a fight team its more about sticking together, and believe me everyone is busy. But only a member of Sor. Nak Dee9 would understand. The breakdown is a systematic way to structure your responsibilities and improve your life. Accountability in work, training and life changes dramatically. Its not easy to change but the goal is important. Its about winning in life!” Kru Dennis – Dynamite Muay Thai Head Coach




Four fights, and all in our favour. It’s not just about the fight and winning the fight at Dynamite Muay Thai. It is the journey, along the journey members of Sor. Nak Dee 9 come to realise that what most people think of in Muay Thai and what it is when they initially walk into a gym will have no resemblence. What people think of Muay Thai compared with Dynamite and the endless knowledge at Dynamite is that the process makes winners not luck and definitely not force. Style will account for 90 percent of a decision for a win or loss but the decisive factor for anyone who already understands Muay Thai or K1 is its about showcasing the skills and execution of Muay Thai or Kickboxing specific technicalities. Then there is damage and accuracy for Muay Thai and workmate for K1 and Kickboxing.






Today even at the entry level of fighting, these guys have done all that they have learned and done what it takes to prove the differences to be the successor amongst more experienced opponents.






With all the above components in their learning, they’ve done it and they’ve done it without their head trainer who would never miss a fight but is away with the national team for Team Australia duties as a coach. So from all of us in Dynamite from here, far and away CONGRATULATIONS TEAM!






Dynamite Muay Thai Sor. Nak Dee proudly sponsored by:






Evelyn Faye Nutrition

JPS Coatings

Melbourne Sports Myotherapy

Arrow Gear Hong Kong

Bolo Fightwear

Male Grooming Co.

Yokai City Tattoo

Operator As Fck

Podium Finish for Dynamite Muay Thai/Team VIC

After a great preparation and weight cut the weekend finished with Melbourne’s Dynamite Muay Thai Fighter, Wayne Sor. Nak Dee securing a podium finish for Team Victoria’s adult male 57kg division at the IFMA Australian National championships.



Wayne got off to a great start securing his wins to place 2nd over all behind Western Australia’s first place. It was a very close decision and both coaches agreed it could have gone either way for the decision.




Team Muay Thai Victoria places 2nd after a long weekend of fights at the IFMA Australian National Muay Thai Championships (Dynamite Muay Thai Fighter Wayne Sor. Nak Dee far left)




Both fighters, each managing to score a 10-8 round for knockdowns. first, late in round one for the Queensland team knocking Wayne with an overhand right and then followed by a knockdown for the Victorian team once, early in round three with Wayne landing a devastating left knee and further securing that round with a switch kick to knockdown his opponent. Unfortunately  the decider was given to the Queensland team.



Unfazed by the results, the Dynamite Muay Thai fighter earned invaluable experience and will again go immediately back in to the weight cutting phase when he arrives back to Melbourne to do final preparation ahead of next weeks fight scheduled in Canberra.



 Kru Dennis and Wayne Sor. Nak Dee of Melbourne’s Dynamite Muay Thai taking the podium for Team Muay Thai Victoria at the IFMA Australian Muay Thai Championships securing second place for the adult male Professional Amateur division 




Congratulations Wayne on placing Second over all in the IFMA 57kg professional amateur Australian National Championships!



STAY TUNED for the results later today with both Bree Sor. Nak Dee to complete her final fight for first and second place in her Amateur and Professional Amateur junior divisions and Zia to complete her final fight for the adult female professional division.




Dynamite Muay Thai Sor. Nak Dee proudly sponsored by:

Evelyn Faye Nutrition

JPS Coatings

Melbourne Sports Myotherapy

Arrow Gear Hong Kong

Bolo Fightwear

Male Grooming Co.

Yokai City Tattoo

Operator As Fck

IFMA Nationals – Team Victoria

Kickstarting the 2020 fight calendar, Dynamite Muay Thai fighters, Zia Seua Sor. Nak Dee (Adult female) Bree Sor. Nak Dee (Junior female) and Wayne Sor. Nak Dee (Adult male) are almost on weight entering the fight weekend relatively calm and mentally prepared for the two consecutive days of fighting.



Team Dynamite will be representing Melbourne CBD under the Team Victoria banner and will have two consecutive days each, of competition for the Australian 2020 International Federation Muay Thai Amateur (IFMA) Australian championships national team selection on the Gold Coast, Queensland.



Front row centre Dynamite Muay Thai Sor. Nak Dee fighters (from left to right) Wayne Sor. Nak Dee, Bree Sor. Nak Dee, Zia Sor. Nak Dee

IFMA Team Victoria flag bearers  


Going into this weekend the team will commence the first leg of their 2020 busy Dynamite Fight Team calendar with Wayne fighting again the following week against the local favourite in Canberra, ACT.  Zia, the following week will be challenging the champion in Adelaide, SA, and young Bree will compete the week after that in Sydney, NSW.



Professionally prepared with a just a few kilos to shed between the three of them, Team Dynamite Muay Thai will lead the way as part of  Team Victoria. Good Luck Team!




Shedding the last few kilos as a team in the hotel carpark at IFMA National Championships on the Gold Coast





Dynamite Muay Thai Sor. Nak Dee proudly sponsored by:

Evelyn Faye Nutrition

JPS Coatings

Melbourne Sports Myotherapy

Arrow Gear Hong Kong

Bolo Fightwear

Male Grooming Co.

Yokai City Tattoo

Operator As Fck

Dynamite outclassing in a ‘style vs style battle

Another great night in the office over the weekend at the Victorian Amateur Martial Arts Association V.A.M.A.A Muay Thai event held in Parkville Friday the 15th of June.




Wayne Sor. Nak Dee pulled off another great win with some slick, calculated and stylish kick fighting against a combo fighter. The Dynamite Muay Thai fighter was initially on as fight number 8 on the night but due to two pullouts at the weigh-ins there was a shuffling off opponents.




For the sake of having a fight after having Wayne’s opponent pulling out meant that the Dynamite Muay Thai fighter had to take on the K1 Kickboxing fight. “Rules change, opponents change, but the game plan, the game plan doesn’t” Kru Dennis on his thoughts of the late change. “Even without all the usual arsenal of weapons, it changes nothing for Wayne, he is well prepared, he is ready!” Kru Dennis as he tells his fighter and his seconds preparing Wayne on the night of the fight. Truth be told, Wayne was more than ready, playing with some newly revised technical fight game play over a heavy hitting combo striker.





Wayne Sor. Nak Dee came off with the goods! Unanimous points victory for Team Sor. Nak Dee







Dynamite Muay Thai fighter Freddy Sor. Nak Dee (Pictured in the Army green coloured Dynamite uniform) unfortunately was unable to get a match up though he will be back in the ring for the next V.A.M.A.A fights once again scheduled in late July.




Dynamite Muay Thai Sor. Nak Dee proudly sponsored by





Evelyn Faye Nutrition

JPS Coatings

Melbourne Sports Myotherapy

Arrow Gear Hong Kong

Bolo Fightwear

Male Grooming Co.

Yokai City Tattoo

Operator As Fck

Dynamite Muay Thai Annual Thai trip

The beautiful warm air and warmhearted smiles greet us every year as Dynamite Muay Thai and Sor. Nak Dee fighters converge on the motherland of Muay Thai for the annual Dynamite Thai Trip.




Each year around the time of Songkran (Thai water festival in April) and May, the Sor. Nak Dee Fight family of Dynamite Muay Thai set off to travel and train in Thailand. The first 4 day stop for the first half of the team is Phuket. Not for partying and getting loose but some acclimatisation and relax from the heavy office life schedule mixed in with the rigorous fight calendar schedule. For the team just being away from daily life is already less distraction and more time to concentrate on training.




Then by day 5, business as usual with minimum of two sessions per day with runs in the morning and afternoon scheduled and free time or tour time in hours between training.




First stop Numponthep Muay Thai for that traditional, authentic Thai gym stadium style fight preparation.





Photo credit Permsak Numponthep




The 2018 Dynamite Muay Thai Sor. Nak Dee fight family trip was a great way to be able to catch up with Dynamite fighters from Malaysia and Hong Kong whilst in Thailand.





Dynamite Muay Thai Sor. Nak Dee fighter Zia Seua Sor. Nak Dee in a photo with Silatong before everyone decided to jump in.

Photo Credit Silatong Numponthep






Dynamite Muay Thai Sor. Nak Dee proudly sponsored by

Evelyn Faye Nutrition

JPS Coatings

Melbourne Sports Myotherapy

Arrow Gear Hong Kong

Bolo Fightwear

Male Grooming Co.

Yokai City Tattoo

Operator As Fck


2 Weeks and counting!

Dynamite Muay Thai’s Sor. Nak Dee female fighters pose for a quick photo after hard sparring rounds at Dynamite Muay Thai Melbourne HQ.





Dynamite Muay Thai's pro female fighters getting ready for Dynamite NAKSOO Female FIght Tour 3.0



These female warriors will be taking on the call for empowering women in the ring on the next instalment of Dynamite Muay Thai’s international professional female only event Dynamite NAKSOO Female Fight Tour 3.0




All three fighters will step up to fight their respective internatinal repesentative counterparts on Saturday the 14th of April at the historic Meat Market venue 5 Blackwood Street, North Melbourne.




Dynamite Muay Thai’s Zia ‘Seua Thong’ Sor. Nak Dee will be captaining the team after the recent Oceanic title fight win. “She is feeling confident of the responsebilities of taking charge and leading the team to show them how it’s done.” Head Coach, Kru Dennis.



Zia will be fighting a seasoned Mixed Martial Arts fighter from the renown American MMA training camp Jackson Wink MMA. Selena Sor. Nak Dee and Natalie ‘Yingpetch’ Sor. Nak Dee will be facing hard hitting rising stars from Hong Kong’s Youth Union Gym who always bring a steady flow of serious female figters to Dynamite NAKSOO Female FIght Series.



Watch these ladies in action those details again are:

Dynamite NAKSOO Female Fight Tour 3.0

5 Blackwood Street, North Melbourne

For Ticketing enquires:

CALL (03) 9041 7241 or CALL/MESSAGE on 0433 568 256





Dynamite Muay Thai Sor. Nak Dee proudly sponsored by

Evelyn Faye Nutrition

JPS Coatings

Melbourne Sports Myotherapy

Arrow Gear Hong Kong

Bolo Fightwear

Male Grooming Co.

Yokai City Tattoo


4 for 4 wins for Dynamite Muay Thai

Melbourne CBD Dynamite Muay Thai gets 4 for 4!! Part 3





 Dynamite Muay Thai Fighter Jimmy “The After Party” Sor. Nak Dee walking out to his first Main Event fight at Rebllion Roots Muay Thai




Melbourne CBD based Dynamite Muay Thai gets 4 for 4 wins over the weekend with third fighter of the day Jimmy “The After Party”  Sor. Nak Dee securing the third convincing victory for Dynamite with a unanimous win over a tough opponent Rishi from another well reputed Muay Thai gym, this time being Ballarat.





  Dynamite Muay Thai Fighter Jimmy “The After Party” Sor. Nak Dee walking up the ropes at Rebellion Roots Muay Thai





   Dynamite Muay Thai Fighter Jimmy “The After Party” Sor. Nak Dee sealing the ring at Rebellion Roots Muay Thai




Dynamite Muay Thai Fighter Jimmy fought a well prepared opponent who came in hard without a  feeling out period looking for a quick knock out.





   Jimmy “The After Party” Sor. Nak Dee unloading pain at Rebellion Roots Muay Thai




Jimmy managed to drop his opponent twice in the first round. One in the first 30 seconds of the opening round with a huge cross to the face but unfortunately the referee didn’t give his opponent a count rather instructing him to get back on his feet and brush off his gloves and the second knock down was about a minute in with a barrage of combos to Rishi’s face.








By round 3 Jimmy had out powered, out manoeuvred and out scored his opponent winning both the first 2 rounds in his favour when Jimmy landed punishing knees getting Rishi into an 8 count before landing a textbook spinning upward elbow onto the jaw of Rishi followed by catching and sweeping Rishi again to the canvass just before the bell to signify the end of the match














Dynamite Muay Thai Sor. Nak Dee fighter Jimmy “The After Party” Sor. Nak Dee securing his first Main event win for his professional Muay Thai career on Rebellion Roots 4






   Dynamite Muay Thai Sor. Nak Dee executing one of 2 knock down crosses at Rebellion Roots Muay Thai




Congratulations to Rishi and his team for a hard fight!  Congratulations to Dynamite Muay Thai Fighter Jimmy for taking sealing the deal with three wins for the Sor. Nak Dee fight family on Rebellion Roots Muay Thai 4





 Winners are grinners! Especially when you’re the main event




Dynamite Muay Thai Sor. Nak Dee proudly sponsored by

Evelyn Faye Nutrition

JPS Coatings

Melbourne Sports Myotherapy

Arrow Gear Hong Kong

Bolo Fightwear

Male Grooming Co.

Yokai City Tattoo


4 for 4 wins for Dynamite Muay Thai

Melbourne CBD Dynamite Muay Thai gets 4 for 4!! Part 2



Melbourne CBD based Dynamite Muay Thai gets 4 for 4 wins over the weekend firstly with female fighter Zia Seua Sor. Nak Dee securing a strong, convincing victory with a majority points win over a tough opponent Shenae from well reputed Western Australian Muay Thai gym.





 Representing Dynamite Muay Thai HQ Zia Seua Sor. Nak Dee sealing the ring




The opening seconds of fight 10 of the Rebellion Roots Muay Thai Fight went off with a bang! within 5 seconds of the first exchange between Zia and Shenae the Dynamite fighter managed to dump her opponent heavily into the canvass with her legs flying in the air and a massive thump which was her opponents head.






 5 seconds into the first exchange Zia dumps her opponent in the clinch





The fight was a high work rate all rounder, action packed with brutal exchanges of elbows in and out of the clinch, a barrage of sweeps, dumps and knees with a total of 8 dumps recorded against Zia’s opponent in round 2 alone.





 Zia Seua displays technical finesse with the many dumps and catches while kicking



Dynamite Muay Thai Fighter Zia brought a tough fight back to Shenae concluding the fight with a majority win for team Sor. Nak Dee.





 Taking the majority win in her fight. Second win for the day for Dynamite Muay Thai Sor. Nak Dee




Congratulations to Perth Fighter Shenae and her team and an even bigger congratulations to Dynamite Muay Thai Fighter Zia taking the solid win for her fight family.







Huge shout out to Dynamite Muay Thai Sor. Nak Dee Fight Family Sponsors

Evelyn Faye Nutrition

JPS Coatings

Melbourne Sports Myotherapy


Dynamite Naksoo Muaythai Fight