Melbourne Personal Muay Thai Training

Weigh in on point!

Melbourne CBD’s Dynamite Muay Thai Sor. Nak Dee fighter Zia has come in at a strong 48.7kg to take on Katie Benn a hard hitting opponent from Geelong.


Dynamite Muay Thai Sor. Nak Dee Fighter Zia Sor. Nak Dee (left) Vs Katie Benn (right)



Katie, on a current winning streak has the same problem Zia Sor. Nak Dee, Kwan Sor Nak Dee has… Finding match ups around 50kg. Among these issues the other Dynamite Sor. Nak Dee girls, all with less than 5 fights struggle to find an opponent willing to do FTR Full Thai Rules fights.



 Zia coming in at 48.7kg


Zia has come on strong leading up to this fight with her recent win at the Dynamite Naksoo Muaythai Series – Asia Fight Tour where she was victorious in the International 50kg female Super 4 Eliminator title. This marks the return fight on Australian shores for Zia Sor. Nak Dee as she has been absent from the Aussie Muay Thai scene since her last Australian fight back in March against Katie’s former team mate Nicola fighting above her weight at 52kg.



Zia’s opponent Katie coming in at 48.6kg




Massive shout out to Craig from ONE FIGHT for taking care of her dietary and nutritional needs, and Andy from Fitness First Melbourne CBD for her extra strength and conditioning work while Kru was away.

Rise Muaythai Series Fight 4

Dynamite Muay Thai Sor. Nak Dee starts the year with 3 fighters scheduled for Shock Promotions fourth instalment the Rise series Rise Fight 4 at Chasers Nightclub 386 Chapel Street South Yarra Friday February 19th.





The first fight of the year for Dynamite Muay Thai Sor. Nak Dee Fighters will see Michael The “Croatian Sensation” Sor. Nak Dee make his debut against an opponent from Resilience Training Centre, Michael will come in at the agreed weight of 76Kg.




Asia Sor. Nak Dee who has only trained in Muay Thai for 7 months while in Thailand teaching English will make her debut fight in Australia for her new home gym Dynamite Muay Thai Sor. Nak Dee at 58kg against her opponent from Ultimate Geelong Muay Thai.




Dynamite Muay Thai Sor. Nak Dee Fighter Asia dubbed by her Muay Thai gym in Thailand, the “Polish Punisher” Sor. Nak Dee has accumulated a massive 9 fights in Thailand for 6 wins, 1 draw, 2 points losses spanning her 7 months of training since being in her 12 month employment contract in Thailand.




Last but no least Zia “Seua” Sor. Nak Dee makes her Australian come back fight after a good 8 months with no matches due to opponents continually pulling out on her fights.




Following on from her recent successes in Malaysia and Indonesia, Dynamite Muay Thai Sor. Nak Dee fighter Zia has come back from winning her first 4 women event at the Naksoo Muay Thai – Asia Fight Tour’s International ladies Super 4, 50kg Eliminator and the 50kg Asian Muay Federation’s World Muaythai Federation Sanctioned women’s 50kg International President’s Cup eliminator tournament.




“I have been very keen to get Zia on more local cards in Melbourne but it has been very hard to get her matched at her fighting weight of 49-50kg, also to get a fight on Full Thai Rules is the next challenge to matching her weight so we have had to look to my promoter friends in the business in South East Asia for opponents to fight as they seem to have a steady stream of fighters around her weight fighting on the circuit in Full Thai Rules” Kru Dennis.



Zia will face off against a Top Tier Muay Thai fighter who had previously fought last year against Kwan Hong Thong Sor. Nak Dee.



Between the experience of all three Dynamite Muay Thai Sor. Nak Dee fighters Kru Dennis was excited and confident the skill of the fighters was at a great level. Experience will fall on the side of their opponents but none the less Head Instructor Kru Dennis is always keen for the challenge.




“Rise Promotions and Shock Promoter Jared is quite on point for match ups etc, So I am really excited for the guys to be on a great local show for the first fight of 2016″ Kru Dennis, Dynamite Head Instructor.



Tickets for Rise Muay Thai Series 4

General $60

Seated $75

Ringside $90

Tables $1500 (Catered)



For more information and ticketing purchase your tickets through Dynamite Muay Thai Sor. Nak Dee on 0433 568 256