World Title Fight
After 27 hours flight time and over 10 hours transit time, having to adjust to local time difference and being Muay Thai Fighters fighting K1 rules didn’t make the weight-cut easier for the American Fight Team.

Kru Dennis and Team Dynamite Muay Thai Sor. Nak Dee with Cyrus Black Dynamite Washington of Team USA during the national anthem
Yokkao Fight Team sponsored fighter Cyrus Washington a WMF American national champion, WBC American Champion national champion, multiple WMC champion, the man they call “Black Dynamite” with over 90+ fights experience having fought the biggest names such as Nieky Holzken, Buakaw etc went toe to toe against Les Clarke on the Main Event for the IKBF World Champion belt on Australian Fight show “Worlds Collide here in Melbourne Australia with Dynamite Muay Thai Melbourne under Kru Dennis.
Kru Dennis Sor. Nak Dee of Dynamite Muay Thai Melbourne will work closely and keep under the watchful eye the movement and tactics of both Cyrus “Black Dynamite and Remi.
” I am in charge of over-seeing the weight cuts, training, keeping the Americans sharp and their overall fight game leading up until the fight then finishing off with the most important part, the recovery stage, especially since the Team will fly out less then 10 hours after their fights”.
Cyrus is the head coach of striking in New York based gym MILITIA MMA and operates his own Muay Thai gym coincidentally named Dynamite Muay Thai in the United States.
Team USA fighting hard!
Remi Paul Sing (Lion) fought over the weekend on the FightForce Promotion “Worlds Collide” semi main event card.
American born fighter hailing out of Long Island, New York Remi Represents Team USA fighting out of Dynamite Muay Thai USA and Militia MMA under the tutelage of the shows main event fighter Cyrus Washington. Remi will be here in Melbourne, Australia coached by Kru Dennis of Dynamite Muay Thai Melbourne Team Sor. Nak Dee.
Remi’s head coach Cyrus accepted the challenge to fight local champion Tim Antonio under F1 rules in Melbbourne Australia.
F1 is the new label for K1 or Modified Kickboxing to allow single arm clinch and knees as opposed to Muay Thai, F1 does not allow full clinch, elbow strikes catches or any sweeps or dumps so basically striking rules used in famed promotion giant GLORY.
Remi went in Thai style during his fight, meaning very composed tactical and feeling out his opponent. With solid kicks and great circling ability he went toe to toe against his heavy hitting opponent who was able to trade enormous blows on each other.