Get fit Melbourne

Pulling 7 fights for 7 wins

Dynamite Muay Thai Sor. Nak Dee Fighters pull the wins over the weekend!




The proud faces is evident on Kru Dennis and Coach Lily of Melbourne’s quiet little inner city Muay Thai fight gym Dynamite Muay Thai (Aka) Team Sor. Nak Dee





The teams overall performance was outstanding with the bonus of pulling off some crafty techniques and displaying a fine tune game of true Muay Thai which we call “Muay Chess” at the inter-gym fights tallying a total 7 fights for 7 wins!




“Muay Chess” as the name suggests is a technical focus of Muay Thai with its distinct characteristics that set it apart from other striking combat sports as well as other types of Muay Thai taught at Muay Thai gyms across the world as Kru Dennis is solely about the emphasis on the technicality of timing, range, catches and clinching. Although yes it sounds like the most common of things, it’s definitely not on the priority list of things that most Muay Thai gyms concentrate on or are experienced at.This is what makes Muay Thai a stand alone art separating it for many of the Martial Arts found in the region of South East Asia. Something that the Melbourne CBD based in gym prides itself on is the level of expertise and knowledge passed on to even the newest of competitors.





None of the members of Dynamite Muay Thai’s Sor. Nak Dee Fight Family pictured have been training for longer than 7 months but with such a rigorous training regime leading up the fighters were confident in their ability to out perform, out manoeuvre and outwit their competition. All in all a great display of Dynamite Muay Thai’s Sor. Nak Dee Fighting style and for the discipline of the team they were all rewarded with convincing wins against great up and comers.